HACR - Hermandad de Antiguos Combatientes (de los Tercios) de Requetés
HACR stands for Hermandad de Antiguos Combatientes (de los Tercios) de Requetés
Here you will find, what does HACR stand for in Spanish under International category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hermandad de Antiguos Combatientes (de los Tercios) de Requetés? Hermandad de Antiguos Combatientes (de los Tercios) de Requetés can be abbreviated as HACR What does HACR stand for? HACR stands for Hermandad de Antiguos Combatientes (de los Tercios) de Requetés. What does Hermandad de Antiguos Combatientes (de los Tercios) de Requetés mean?Hermandad de Antiguos Combatientes (de los Tercios) de Requetés is an expansion of HACR
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Alternative definitions of HACR
- Hispanic
- Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration
- Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility
- Hispanic Association of Corporate Responsibility
- Helicopter Active Control Rotor
- High Accuracy Cryogenic Radiometer
- Heating Air Conditioning Refrigeration
View 12 other definitions of HACR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HACT Helicopter Active Control Technology
- HACTGS HAC Technical Gas Services
- HACTT Haines Alfred Charitable Trust, The
- HACU Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
- HACV Heavy Armament Combat Vehicle
- HACW Housing Authority of the County of Wake
- HACWS Housing Authority of the City of Winston-Salem
- HAD HIV-associated dementia
- HADA High Availability Disk Array
- HADAMEN had ' Amen
- HADAS helmet airborne display and sight
- HADB Dagabour airport
- HADC Dessie airport
- HADD Dembidollo, Ethiopia
- HADDA Had To
- HADES High Altitude Dong Enlargement Syndrome
- HADF High Accuracy Direction Finding